Clerical Job Opportunities In Public Sector Banks

Banking services in our country are expanding and both public and private sector banks are strengthening their network. However data shows that private banks have more of their branches in metros and other big cities whereas public sector bank (PSB) branches are present in every nook and corner of the country. The recruitment process in both kinds of banks also differs. Big private banks recruit through campus selection and manpower agencies with some reliance on contractual staff. The practices differ from one private bank to other. For Public Sector Banks the recruitment process is straight, standard and systematic. All their officer and clerical staff are full time regular employees. Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) with its office in Mumbai, has been entrusted to conduct recruitment examination for various positions in public sector banks. Banks advise number of vacancies to IBPS. IBPS holds selection tests at different centres. Based on the performance in ...